Смарт Легло-кошара BABYSITTER 60/120
Първото интелигентно легло Babysitter Micuna
Управлявайте лесно и от разстояние: приложение APP (в момента се предлага само за Android).
Фукнкции: люлеене, нощна светлина, измерване на температурата и нивото на влажност в стаята.
Лесен контрол, чрез който родителите да изберат най-подходящият режим на полюшване за своето бебе. (6 различни движения)
Вграденият сензор ще запомни необходимите движения за успокоение на бебето и ще ги пресъздаде отново, когато детето е неспокойно.
Релакс система.
4бр. колела на краката (2бр. със застопоряване)
Размер: 121 X 63 cm; височина 99.3 cm. Вътрешни размери: дължина 117 см x широчина 59.5 cm)
Материал: Бук / МДФ.
Цвят: бял
BBSITTER COT 120 x 60 cm
bbsitter is the first intelligent cot with integrated learning. Your sensor will make the cot learn what movements calm your baby, to recreate these sequences whenever
No one knows more about a baby than their own parents, and therefore, in addition to the smart way bbsitter incorporates parental control to choose from the 6
available movements.
Your bbsitter will be unique because your baby is unique.
Listen to your baby
and learn your
favourite moves.
Parents can choose from
between 6 movements. The
heartbeat will remind it of the
mother’s womb.
Measures the temperature and
humidity to always obtain the
most comfortable surrounding
for your baby.
Through the APP you can select six movements available or smart mode can be activated so that the actual cot which selects the most adequate movement which it
has learnt for your baby.
In addition, the accompanying light can be activated to be able to see the baby without waking it up, or control the humidity and temperature of the room.
120 X 60 cm (Int. 117 x 59.5 cm ext. measurement length 120.8 cm - width 63.2 - height 99.3 cm).
Material: Beech / Lacquered MDF.
European Safety Certificaton.
European Homologation: UNE-EN 716-1/2:2008 (+A1:2013) .
Colour: White-White / White-Aluminium / White-Copper / White-Scandinavian.
- Two bed frames.
- Fixed side.
- 4 wheels with smart brake.
- Cot controlled by app including battery (currently available only for Android).
- Cot mattress 120 x 60 cm.
- Pillow 60 CH-570.